
  • An Author's Life,  beceaseless,  Daily Life,  Uncategorized

    Why I Thrive on Chaos (or How I Got my Groove Back)

    Chasing your dreams and achieving them is something you shouldn’t be ashamed of doing. Too many cave to other people's opinions and what others want from them instead of sticking by their convictions.

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    I’m a Middle-Aged Teenager: A synopsis of why I say screw your age

    I’m 47 years old. Let’s just put it out there for the world to hear. I’m pushing middle age…as my children like to so often remind me. In fact, just the other day I asked my 21-year-old if my forehead was too big and if I should get bangs. She replied with, “When exactly did you hit your mid-life crisis?” Ungrateful child. But let’s get back to what I was trying to say. In two and a half years, I will be 50. FIFTY!!! But that being said, it doesn’t bother me. To be honest, I don’t mind getting older just as long as I don’t feel old; however, there…

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