An Open Letter to My Daughter on Her 21st Birthday
Dear baby girl, Happy birthday, my love. And congratulations on making it in one piece to this incredible milestone in your life. That’s not to say there haven’t been some bumps and potholes along the way, but then who in life can say they haven’t experienced the same? Now that you’re an adult, there are some words of wisdom I need to share. Much of it comes from my own experience. And some comes from just paying attention to the world around you. So pay attention. Your siblings are your lifeline. Friends will come and go, but your siblings are forever. Lean on one another during the hard times. Cry on…
Liebster Blog Award and Nominations
Well, what do you know? I received a Liebster Blog Award! I’d like to take the opportunity to thank my friend & fellow blogger, Stephanie Neighbour, for nominating me. I encourage you all to check out Stephanie‘s blog. She’s funny and an overall goofball…which I love. Now, here’s how it works: – I list 11 random facts about myself. – I’ll answer the 11 questions asked of me by the person who nominated me. – I will then nominate my 5 picks (normally you’re supposed to choose 11, but I’m a rebel and never follow the rules) for the award along with my 11 questions for them to answer when they…