How I Got Here (or How Twitter Changed my Life)
Edits are underway. The cover art should begin in approximately 4 weeks. There are book signings to schedule and gift baskets to organize for raffles. These and a hundred other things are all parading through my mind as I prepare for one of the most exciting moments of my life…the birth of my book, “Haunting”. As I take a much needed break from reviewing edits from my incredibly brilliant editor, Jennifer, I look back at the last few years and remember how I got here. The year 2009 was rough. But I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and began to do something I hadn’t done in years – write.…
Liebster Blog Award and Nominations
Well, what do you know? I received a Liebster Blog Award! I’d like to take the opportunity to thank my friend & fellow blogger, Stephanie Neighbour, for nominating me. I encourage you all to check out Stephanie‘s blog. She’s funny and an overall goofball…which I love. Now, here’s how it works: – I list 11 random facts about myself. – I’ll answer the 11 questions asked of me by the person who nominated me. – I will then nominate my 5 picks (normally you’re supposed to choose 11, but I’m a rebel and never follow the rules) for the award along with my 11 questions for them to answer when they…