• An Author's Life,  Daily Life

    Coming to a Theater Near You

    There are often times where I’ve sat down in a movie theater to watch a movie adaptation of a previously published novel and thought to myself, “I wonder what it feels like as an author to watch your creation come to life on a big screen?” Perhaps, one day, God willing, I’ll get to find out for myself. But, until then, I will continue to live vicariously through the accomplishment of others. The most recent example is the home video release of “Warm Bodies” by author Isaac Marion. He, like Stephanie Meyer, took an old concept, like zombies, and put his own twist on it to create a fresh and…

  • Agent Search,  An Author's Life,  Daily Life,  Humor,  My Children,  My Muse

    How I Got Here (or How Twitter Changed my Life)

    Edits are underway. The cover art should begin in approximately 4 weeks. There are book signings to schedule and gift baskets to organize for raffles. These and a hundred other things are all parading through my mind as I prepare for one of the most exciting moments of my life…the birth of my book, “Haunting”. As I take a much needed break from reviewing edits from my incredibly brilliant editor, Jennifer, I look back at the last few years and remember how I got here. The year 2009 was rough. But I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and began to do something I hadn’t done in years – write.…

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