• An Author's Life

    HAUNTING’s One Year Anniversary

    One year ago today, I released my very first book…a ghostly paranormal romance that centers around a teenage girl and the ghost that haunts both her home AND her dreams. Together, they search for answers in the mystery behind the death of a soldier from decades earlier. To celebrate my 1 year anniversary, I’ve permanently dropped the price to $0.99. Get yours today! Its sequel, IMPRINT-Book Two, releases 4 weeks from today on May 27, 2014.   http://www.amazon.com/Haunting-Dusty-Chronicles-BJ-Sheldon-ebook/dp/B00CLIATCS/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1398770475&sr=1-1&keywords=bj+sheldon+haunting

  • An Author's Life,  Daily Life,  Humor

    Typing 101

    It all began many years ago – first period of my freshman year of high school. Typing 101. Now for those of you from the younger generation following along, let me explain what a typewriter is. It’s a box with a keyboard…kind of like a computer keyboard…only different. And instead of a screen you put blank paper into it and press really hard on the keys. And you didn’t need a printer to print what you just typed, and if you made a mistake…there was a white paint in a bottle you used to cover up the mistake on the paper. Crazy, I know. Well, during this class we learned…