Daily Life

The craziness that surrounds my life

  • Agent Search,  Daily Life

    My Own Worst Critic

    I’m BJ Sheldon, and I am my own worst critic. If I have one fault when it comes to my writing it’s that I am constantly comparing how well I write compared to published authors.  “I’ll never be as clever as George R.R. Martin,” or “I will never be able to tell a story as well as J.K. Rowling.” Because of this, my writing recently came to a slow crawl and I developed a bit of writer’s block. As I read the reviews of follow authors by the public, other authors and even literary agents, I begin to think to myself, “When I’m published, I will never be good enough…

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  • Daily Life

    Best Blog Post…EVER

    A few days ago, I came up with a brilliant idea for a blog post.  It was going to be amazing!  The concept was fresh and unique, and I knew I could sell it with a humorous spin.  Between going to the gym and getting dinner ready, I plotted out the entire concept in my head, smiling at my genius and patting myself on the back for coming up with something so incredible.  It was going to make you laugh and smile, causing you to share it with all of your friends, who in turn would share it with their friends, and so on and so on and so on.…

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